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Hospitality Team

This ministry helps prepare meals and maintains the kitchen and Fellowship Hall for our many ministries.  The Team has recently been divided into two different parts. One precooks meals to be frozen for families when in need and for special meals such as funerals.  We also host a yearly meal for all Mason ISD faculty.  They also provide meals for our many Harvest and outreach events. The other part of the Team focuses on Wednesday Night Meal Teams. We provide dinner on Wednesday nights roughly 30 weeks out of the year.  We have meal teams of 4 – 6 people who prepare simple meals to be prepared, served, and cleaned up every Wednesday starting in mid September.  We can have as many teams as volunteer to spread the work out.  Teams usually serve no more than 4 times a year.  Please consider joining one or both parts of this important Ministry Team.

Eddie and Jennifer Willie

Hospitality Ministry Team Leaders

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